This isn’t the first that Swedish outfit Slide have been featured on TMR, yet with fresh new hairstyles and a more pop-angled sound, it’s as though the duo is starting again. Slide make their new greetings with ‘Hello Spirit’, an indie-rock and alt-pop mash up that embraces impulsivity. “Throw away the jackets that I own, I don’t think it’s raining where I’m going,” confirms the short-sighted freedom seeking that fuels this murkily upbeat track. The progress of this song frames how different this experience can be, depending on whether you live presently or drown in substance abuse and bad relationships. Slide move between punctuated withdrawn-pop, floating dream-pop and full throttle indie-rock, creating a multi-textural listening experience for us mere mortals at the other end of the speakers. Undoubtedly, ‘Hello Spirit’ is a major turning point for Slide. - Hannah Thacker   [Photo credit: Alexander Hoggard]
